Patient Information – Insurance and Payments

Our on-line billing system offers our patients the most secure and efficient way to pay your bills. Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions.
- Stratham Ambulatory Surgery Center accepts most major commercial insurance, HMO/PPO plans, Medicare, Workers Compensation, and other government sponsored health coverage.
- Stratham Ambulatory Surgery Center will bill your insurance company as a courtesy; however, any balance due is your responsibility. Payment will be requested from you if reimbursement from your insurance company is not received within 60 days.
- Bring completed insurance forms as well as any medical information. Please check with your insurance company for pre-admission requirements such as second opinions and pre-admission certification. This will facilitate the admitting process.
- Uninsured and/or self pay patients will be required to pay for services on or before the admission date unless other arrangements have been made with the Center.
- Stratham Ambulatory Surgery Center recognizes our obligation to remain flexible in financial matters. In the event of the above conditions cannot be met, the Center will attempt to make other financial arrangements. These arrangements must be made prior to admission and must be approved by the administrator.
- MasterCard and VISA are accepted.
“All staff acted in a cordial and pleasant manner. They were attentive and sensitive to my needs. I was relaxed and comfortable. Very convenient and comfortable experience. No waiting.”